miércoles, 1 de diciembre de 2010

*Goddesses & Monsters -*The New Art Exhibit-.


*"Kuan Yin,Goddess of Shelter & Protection",.


*"The Saviour"(Mermaids).

*At 4rth. of January/2.011,between some other projetcs,stars my art itinerant exhibit in comic illustration,called "Goddesses & Mosnters";*Were everyone it will be able to have a look,at my own version of some goddesses & female monsters,from some of the Most Ancient Mythologies of the world:The exhibit,by now,will visit places as Salou (Tarragona);*from where it starts,Madrid,Barcelona,Paris,Padova,Firenze,London,etc...

*Here,jist I leave you,some of the illustrations that you´ll find there!!!!: